a guide to
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With surge in popularity of online meetings, everyone can become their own little news station. And these are just some of the techniques used in television that made their way over to online meetings. When we the communicators start using a new technique that isn’t quite perfect or ready yet, we often look over the technical difficulties and wait for the eventual update to fix the bug. Like clockwork technology will improve, and the limitations of the past are forgotten with time, but that’s not the interesting part of how we interact with technology. What’s more interesting are the early adopters that learn from older media to overcome the randomness of latency. When something new comes along, the focus is often on how the technology is either bottle necked or how it could be improved. But when instead we start by looking at the comparisons to older media we’re already familiar with, we can make the adoption to a new technology more fluent and essentially more human.
take a tour
When watching the news, there is a specific pacing we as viewers have become familiar with, news readers intentionally pause and continue their speech, so when there a question is being asked on the other side, or a little …..(piece) goes missing they can still be understood. Also the information seems more important, trough the slow down in speech.
nonsensical info
Instead of slowing down and pausing, the opposite can also be done to create urgency to the information you’re conveying. By adding extra words and non sensical info to the story, the message can be received more dense and complicated. This strategy is often used when trying to keep the listener at a distance. In case of a bad connection the message is obscured.
weather report
weather report
One of the things that is unique about the online environment is the displacement of the different communicators through space, just like on the evening news, this gives the communicators the opportunity to do a bit of a weather forecast. in a live meeting in the same place, the weather is a shared thing that does not pose for a very interesting communication subject (unless it’s quite extreme). But with a variety of time zones and climates, usually this has already happened.
obvious fake environment
obvious fake environment
The weather is a great way to artificially set your environment, but an even better way to set the environment is trough a good background. From the recent developments around news we have learned that fake news is just as effective as real news, this also goes for a fake background. Speaking on my own experience, I have been in several online meetings not realizing that someone was using a calm background to cover up their dirty room. Even when discovering the background was fake, I wasn’t able to unseen the dissection. On the TV these kinds of environments are used to great extent to communicate place and time, for both the news and online meetings, fake backgrounds are a harmless fix that leaves the audience guessing, in the worst case it will cause a comedic situation when someone is brave enough to mention it.

made from old books
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